Spin the world with precision with quality with creativity


Specialized translations

We offer solutions for quality, precise and accurate translations for every translation field. You can easily upgrade the translation package by adding an expert revision, copywriting and proofreading. Don’t waste precious time correcting translations and order a tailor-made service.


Sworn translations

Translations of official documents that have been certified by a sworn translator must be identical to the source. No compromises. Contact us with confidence.


Proofreading and editing

Are you unsure of the quality of the translation you received? Our professional translators will gladly proofread the translation, i.e. provide their opinion on whether the proofreading is necessary. You can also order proofreading so we could check the spelling and grammar of your text, in any language.

What’s our translation process?

1. Preparation

Project manager prepare the document for translation, extracts terminology and creates a translation memory.

2. Translation

An experienced translator translates the document and collaborates with the project manager with regards to terminology.

3. Revision

Another translator thoroughly checks the translation against the source. Special attention is paid to terminology and style.

4. Revision/copywriting/proofreading (optional)

A specialised translation is checked by an expert, i.e. by a proofreader or copywriter if the client has requested this while ordering.

5. Quality assurance (QA)

Before delivering the translation, the project manager ensures that the proper terminology and proper style have been used and that there are no semantic errors.

Our clients

Affordable prices

By signing a cooperation agreement, we can offer you special discounts.

All in one place

By ordering a translation, you gain discounts on content creation and webpage creation services.

Ask for the Elemento pricelist tailored to your needs

Send us an inquiry and state the language combinations you most often require, and we’ll prepare a special quote.

About us

Why translate with Elemento?

From an array of translation agencies, why us?


Sophisticated technology

In Elemento, we believe that the future is here and we’ve decided to use the best of what it offers.

Translation tools greatly influence the quality, precision and accuracy of translations. This is why they are implemented throughout our translation process.

We will create a free glossary and translation memory for you, and maintain them regularly.

You can request these files at any moment.

Top experts

A translator can be experienced in translating specialized documents; however, people who work in a certain field will always remain the greatest experts for that field.

This is why we at Elemento included precisely such experts in the translation process in order to ensure that the proper terminology and style is used in the translation.

Economists, engineers, copywriters and proofreaders – you can rest assured that your translation is in safe and expert hands.

Cost optimisation

Our translation tools will recognize text segments that you’ve already translated with Elemento  and we will grant you a 50% discount on these segments.

Sounds good?

Contact us and we will analyse your documents against existing translations.

Translation services

Translation fields

Marketing, PR and community management

Banking, insurance and finance

Construction, engineering, technical

Administration and public services

Software and gaming industry

Tourism and travel

Law and regulations

Medicine and pharmaceutics


Test our services

Expert revision is free with first order

In order to test the quality of our stress-free packages after first translation delivery, we grant free expert/copywriter/proofreader revision with first translation order.