This is Elemento.
One agency for all
Stop juggling between five different agencies and eight freelancers. In Elemento, one person takes care of everything for you.

Cost optimisation
Take advantage of the potential offered by new technologies and the internet. Represent your company with smart content and quality visuals, while using the most recent tools to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Always on time
We know that the deadline is often “yesterday”, but we won’t dwell on that. In Elemento, we live by the deadline.
You’ll see 🙂

Top experts
Whichever service you order, you can rest assured that your project is in safe and expert hands. Translatory, copywriters, developers, designers, proofreaders, photographers, court interpreters and professional editors we work with are all expert professionals in their fields.

Our clients...

... say we’re ok.
To anybody seeking translation services, whether it be simpler or professional ones, we recommend to use the services of the Elemento company. In the field of translation and usage of psychological instruments, the quality and precision of claims used are of utmost importance for us. All of that, and more, was achieved when we placed our trust in them. Due to their expertise and knowledge, they were able to translate directly on our platform, which greatly sped up our translation process and ensured that there were no mistakes in the system when adjusting the variables within the platform. They have met all set deadlines, and even completed some translations before the end date.

This, too, is Elemento.
Elemento team
We work hard, laugh a lot, drink coffee non-stop. We improve our skills all the time and what’s most important – we really care about our clients and everything they hold dear.

lada weygand
Co-founder of Elemento and Content creation and translation specialist
An English and Anthropology major, as well as court-interpreter, she lives for googling obscure terminology and making complex processes simpler. And for coffee, coffee is a must.

Mirna Barišić
Co-founder of Elemento and Content creation and translation specialist
English and Education major with over 10 years’ experience in content development and localisation project management. The rapid development of technology and implementation of technological novelties into everyday life is what excites her the most.
That’s all fine and nice, but how much does it cost?
Send us an inquiry with a short description of your business and we’ll get back to you with a quote in 30 minutes. Really, start counting.